Friday, February 1, 2013

GA2201 ASSIGNMENT 04 Level Narrative & Final Map

Assault on the Wolves’ Lair
Scramble your fighter
            -Player will choose which fighter they will use for the current mission.
            -Choose weapons and customizations.  (Guns, Missiles, Bombs, Armor, Specials)
Frontal Assault on Nazi Deaths Head Fortress
            -AA Guns **
            -Enemy Fighters ***
            -Goliath Tanks ****
            -Generators **
            -Auto Turrets *
            -Bunkers * 
            -The Geist *****
Naval Fleet
            -AA Guns **
            -Enemy Fighters ***
            -Auto Turrets *
            - Schlange MK II  (Naval Battle Ship) *****
            -Barracuda MKIV (Naval Battle Ship)  *****
            -Haifisch (Naval Battle Ship) *****
            -Player must destroy all AA Guns/Generators (shield generators)
                            -Goliath Tanks ****
                        -Generators **
                        -Auto Turrets *
                        -Bunkers *

Outer Defense of the Deaths Head (Nazi Super Fortress over Eastern Europe)
                -Player will eliminate all defensive installments on the outside of the main Nazi floating fortress
                        -Generators **
                        -Auto Turrets *
                        -AA Guns **
                        -Enemy Fighters ***
                        -The Geist *****
Hangar bay of Deaths Head
                -Players will navigate a tricky tunnel through the Deaths head fortress to destroy it from the inside out. 
                        -Auto Turrets *
                        -Enemy Fighters ***   
                        -The Geist *****


     The level starts out just like any other level; you choose plane, equipment and any other upgrades you wish to use for the mission.  You start off in the Wolf’s Lair’s (Iron Wolves main carrier/mobile base) hangar bay. 
(Cut scene)  The chosen plane takes off after some radio chatter and rushed out of the hangar bay doors.  There will be an epic battle already taking place between the Nazi and Iron Wolf Resistance (Battle Ships/fighters/Battle Machines). 
      Player will then take on the first of the objectives.  The Nazi Naval fleet is pounding the Wolves Lair with artillery.  You must do anything in your power to cripple it.  The player will choose form 3 battles ships that must be eliminated to prevent any further damage to the Wolfs Lair.  All three must be destroyed but player will be able to choose which order. 
(Cut scene) There will be a short cut scene showing your plane attacking ship until it explodes and sinks.  Also player will see the Nazi Fleet smoldering and sinking.
     Next the Player will have to soften the defenses of the coast line.  Hidden away in bunkers lay shield generators that protect the Nazi floating fortress called Deaths Head.  There will be 5 generators that must be destroyed while destroying enemy AA, Goliath Tanks as well as enemy fighters. 

(Cut scene)  After destroying the last generator there will be a grand wide angle shot showing the wreckage of the landscape.  While the remaining Iron Wolves in formation flying towards Deaths Head.  Then a tight shot of Deaths Head with enemy fighters spilling out.  Then the camera will cut to the interior of Deaths Head.  The player will see a door open spilling light into what looks like a private hanger.  You will be able to see the silhouette of what looks to be an advanced enemy fighter.  The camera will then focus in on the logo of The Geist. Then pan out to a full shot of the fighter where you will see movement in the cockpit as well as the canopy closing. 
      The player starts out by heading on a full frontal attack of Deaths Head.  You can see still see enemy fighters spilling out of several openings in it hull.  You are attacked by AA as well as swarmed by enemy fighters.  You must help defend your squadrons as you attack the outer defenses of Deaths Head.  One by one the players squadron is shot down by The Geist.   The player cannot stop this from happening.  Finally the player will go face to face with The Geist. After several hits on the Geist there will be a cut scene.
(Cut scene) This shot will show The Geist’s fighter spiral out of control with smoke pouring out of it.  The fighter falls out of view. 
      The player will head to one of the hangar spires on the Deaths Head and fly in.  The player is alone and will have to navigate tight spaces and dodge enemy fighters who are still flying out.  Once the player successfully finishes the gauntlet they will be in the very spacious hangar where there is a generator where the player must destroy 10 battery nodes that power the stations floating repulsers.  After destroying 9 you begin to get shot at from behind.  The Geist is back and continues the attack on the player.  The Geist shoots and destroys one of the players rudders making it harder to complete the mission.  The player can either kill The Geist once and for all or he can simply shoot the last battery. 

(Cut scene) There will be a short cinematic showing Vinton flying out of Deaths Head as it is plummeting back towards earth. 

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