Friday, January 11, 2013

About Me

Name—Topher Sassman

What kind of job do you want in the industry after you graduate? 

I am wanting to head in the direction of 3D environment/asset artist.

What are the required skills needed to get that type of job?

After a portfolio approval, depending on where you are applying, companies such as Naughty Dog will have you come in to their office and have you model a high poly scene or assets in an allotted time keeping in mind good topology as well outstanding design.

What are you currently doing to prepare yourself?

I currently spend most of my free time sharpening my modeling skills as well as watching never-ending tutorials on Gnomon/Digital-Tutors/YouTube.

Do you feel you are going to be ready?  What are your strongest & weakest points right now?

If I continue on my present course, yes. I believe my strongest skills I have right now is the ability to quickly produce great looking 3D models.  I believe my greatest weaknesses are unwrapping models as well as using digital media to render images in perspective.

What art classes have you taken?

I have a background in fine art from my previous college in Chicago.  I wanted to make the jump to the 3D world so I am nonstop on video training classes.  I also attend Gnomon’s figure drawing classes frequently.

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