Friday, February 1, 2013

GA2201 ASSIGNMENT 04 Level Narrative & Final Map

Assault on the Wolves’ Lair
Scramble your fighter
            -Player will choose which fighter they will use for the current mission.
            -Choose weapons and customizations.  (Guns, Missiles, Bombs, Armor, Specials)
Frontal Assault on Nazi Deaths Head Fortress
            -AA Guns **
            -Enemy Fighters ***
            -Goliath Tanks ****
            -Generators **
            -Auto Turrets *
            -Bunkers * 
            -The Geist *****
Naval Fleet
            -AA Guns **
            -Enemy Fighters ***
            -Auto Turrets *
            - Schlange MK II  (Naval Battle Ship) *****
            -Barracuda MKIV (Naval Battle Ship)  *****
            -Haifisch (Naval Battle Ship) *****
            -Player must destroy all AA Guns/Generators (shield generators)
                            -Goliath Tanks ****
                        -Generators **
                        -Auto Turrets *
                        -Bunkers *

Outer Defense of the Deaths Head (Nazi Super Fortress over Eastern Europe)
                -Player will eliminate all defensive installments on the outside of the main Nazi floating fortress
                        -Generators **
                        -Auto Turrets *
                        -AA Guns **
                        -Enemy Fighters ***
                        -The Geist *****
Hangar bay of Deaths Head
                -Players will navigate a tricky tunnel through the Deaths head fortress to destroy it from the inside out. 
                        -Auto Turrets *
                        -Enemy Fighters ***   
                        -The Geist *****


     The level starts out just like any other level; you choose plane, equipment and any other upgrades you wish to use for the mission.  You start off in the Wolf’s Lair’s (Iron Wolves main carrier/mobile base) hangar bay. 
(Cut scene)  The chosen plane takes off after some radio chatter and rushed out of the hangar bay doors.  There will be an epic battle already taking place between the Nazi and Iron Wolf Resistance (Battle Ships/fighters/Battle Machines). 
      Player will then take on the first of the objectives.  The Nazi Naval fleet is pounding the Wolves Lair with artillery.  You must do anything in your power to cripple it.  The player will choose form 3 battles ships that must be eliminated to prevent any further damage to the Wolfs Lair.  All three must be destroyed but player will be able to choose which order. 
(Cut scene) There will be a short cut scene showing your plane attacking ship until it explodes and sinks.  Also player will see the Nazi Fleet smoldering and sinking.
     Next the Player will have to soften the defenses of the coast line.  Hidden away in bunkers lay shield generators that protect the Nazi floating fortress called Deaths Head.  There will be 5 generators that must be destroyed while destroying enemy AA, Goliath Tanks as well as enemy fighters. 

(Cut scene)  After destroying the last generator there will be a grand wide angle shot showing the wreckage of the landscape.  While the remaining Iron Wolves in formation flying towards Deaths Head.  Then a tight shot of Deaths Head with enemy fighters spilling out.  Then the camera will cut to the interior of Deaths Head.  The player will see a door open spilling light into what looks like a private hanger.  You will be able to see the silhouette of what looks to be an advanced enemy fighter.  The camera will then focus in on the logo of The Geist. Then pan out to a full shot of the fighter where you will see movement in the cockpit as well as the canopy closing. 
      The player starts out by heading on a full frontal attack of Deaths Head.  You can see still see enemy fighters spilling out of several openings in it hull.  You are attacked by AA as well as swarmed by enemy fighters.  You must help defend your squadrons as you attack the outer defenses of Deaths Head.  One by one the players squadron is shot down by The Geist.   The player cannot stop this from happening.  Finally the player will go face to face with The Geist. After several hits on the Geist there will be a cut scene.
(Cut scene) This shot will show The Geist’s fighter spiral out of control with smoke pouring out of it.  The fighter falls out of view. 
      The player will head to one of the hangar spires on the Deaths Head and fly in.  The player is alone and will have to navigate tight spaces and dodge enemy fighters who are still flying out.  Once the player successfully finishes the gauntlet they will be in the very spacious hangar where there is a generator where the player must destroy 10 battery nodes that power the stations floating repulsers.  After destroying 9 you begin to get shot at from behind.  The Geist is back and continues the attack on the player.  The Geist shoots and destroys one of the players rudders making it harder to complete the mission.  The player can either kill The Geist once and for all or he can simply shoot the last battery. 

(Cut scene) There will be a short cinematic showing Vinton flying out of Deaths Head as it is plummeting back towards earth. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

GA3312 ASSIGNMENT 03 MY GAME CONCEPT -Level & Objectives

(Working title)
“Death from above”
 ‘Birds of War’ is a fast paced arcade/flight simulator designed for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. 
High Concept
What if the Nazis had won WWII and dominated the globe? 
‘Birds of War’ is a fast paced arcade/flight simulator designed for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.               
In the 1980s the world suffers under the iron fist of the Nazi regime. Pockets of freedom fighters struggle to free the world of the tyranny.  The Nazi Empire has spent the last 40 years since their victory in WWII perfecting the art of the war machine.  They rein terror on their enemies using giant earth shaking tanks, the most advanced jet and air superiority as well as massive air ships that patrol the skies.
                The rebels must scavenge pieces of downed Nazi fighters as well as steal technology information just to be able to fight back.  Players will be able to fully customize their planes based off of what type of mission they will be flying.  Players will be fighting massive war machines to bring down the Nazi Empire once and for all.
2- Back-story & Concept
1945 the war is at a critical turning point.  The Russian army is closing in on Berlin.  Surrounded and in fear of immediate defeat, Hitler calls down the order to launch its secret weapon code named Odin.  The results are devastating to the Red Army driving back their forces back into Russia.  With Odin such a great success the Nazis quickly and affectively win the war on each front in Europe.  The Reich sends forces to now conquer the Americas as wells as Canada who quickly fall.  The people of the world now are slaves forced to work in camps harvesting the resources of the land.  Nearly the whole population adapts and accepts their fate under the brutal rule of the Nazis.
                Vinton Brock is in his mid 20s.  He was born and raised in the ways of tactical combat in the air.  He has been flying for just about as long as he could walk.  His father was the leader of the resistance group the Iron Wolves until his fighter was shot down during a brave attack on the Nazi strong hold when he was a boy ever since Vinton has sworn to do everything thing in his power to see the end of the Nazi Empire.   He led many battles in his life time and became a very successful leader.  His men looked up to him and would follow him to their deaths. 
                The day had come when Vinton would strike against the very same strong hold where his father had perished.   The battle was turning out to be a success.  Vinton had single handedly took down 11 enemy craft.  It looked like a victory for Vinton and the Iron Wolves until out of the corner of his eye he saw it.  There it was the like something out of the legends they used to tell children.  It was the air craft of Schneider also known as the “Ghost”.  His jet flew from the fortress and almost effortlessly dispensed with 6 of the Iron Wolves Vinton included. 
                Vinton survived suffering severe head injuries and was captured and forced to work in one of the Nazi camps after his injuries have healed.  He wasn’t the same after the crash.  Depressed he had almost given up hope.  Until the day the Iron Wolves lead an attack on the camp to free him.   Once free Vinton had no drive to take up the lead of the Iron Wolves until he got word that the Ghost was destroying everything in his path.  Rusty, Vinton got back into his plane and set his cross hairs for Schneider.

            You play a Vinton the leader of the Iron Wolves.  You must seek and destroy the fighter ace pilot “The Ghost” who shot you down all while crippling all Nazi forces that stand in your way.  You will fight across the globe in different locations of main Nazi territory and liberate these areas.  You will encounter behemoth tanks giant jets/planes as well as massive floating fortresses.
3 -Start with the first 5 levels of your game and for each one list the following:
Training Fields (Junk yards)
-Regain lost skills from being captured by navigating and
 destroy dummy targets. 

-After completion you will gain boosters (or something like that)
-You will be able to upgrade the machine guns.

-Player must successfully navigate through the remains of
vehicles in junk yard.

-You will get the feeling for the controls of the game as well
as a brief tutorial.  

Forrest Attack (Raid on Iron Wolf Camp)

-Defend the Iron Wolf camp from waves of enemy fighters
as well as a wave of Behemoth Tanks.

-Bombs and bomb upgrades

-Players will learn the basics of fighting air and ground enemies.

-The player will navigate through forest terrain to attack
Ground vehicles as well air combat.

Atlantic Ocean (New York)
-Early Morning

-First main attack on one of the Nazi floating fortresses
that is occupying and supplying forces controlling
what used to be New York.

-Players will learn how to use a focus like power (slow down time)

Winter (Siberia)

-One of the final attacks against the Nazis
-Must defend while attack enemy strong hold while protecting our own.
-Engine starts to freeze up making it harder to fly.

-At this point you should have unlocked most of the upgrades possible.

-You will defeat one of the Nazis largest airships as well as a new tank
that has not been seen by the Iron Wolves.

Germany (Strong Hold Fortress)

-This is the final stage where the payer must take down the fortress as well
Bring the Nazi empire to its knees. In this stage you will also defeat “The Ghost”

Friday, January 18, 2013

GA2201 Assignment 02 My 3 Game Concepts

Game Concepts

(Working title)
“Death from above”

Game Concept-
Present day. Nazis have won WWII and have enslaved every continent. While most countries bow down to the Reich, Rebel fighters use remnants of WWII air planes combined with the futuristic technology of the Nazi war machine to fight back.

A band of British and American rebels fight their way to the heavily fortified and technologically advanced old country Germany. They battle their way to invade the “motherland” using scraps of weapons and technology they have stolen from the enemy.

Main Character-
You play as Edward, a daring, young “ace” who was raised by the Rebels and has been flying since an early age. His father was once the leader of the Southern Rebel Resistance located in England. Edward is very confident, sometimes “cocky” but he is an extremely dangerous and risk-taking pilot. He is war-hardened.

Game Play-
Open maps and fast combat. Upgrade plans with different weapons. Enemies will have large and crazy-looking vehicles (think Raiden/1942).
Setting/3D animation-
The skies in the present setting or very near future. I want to have an intense teaser dogfight. 

 (Unknown Title)
Apache Someth

Game Concept-
During the Westward Expansion, when White Men are invading native lands, a young Apache boy must go though trials to become the warrior-hero that is profited to become. He will bring an end to the Western Civilization.
 Action Adventure.
Main Character-
The War-Chief has a vision of the young boy becoming the greatest warrior known to any of the tribes. Young boy (unknown name) is shy and timid, but is forced to go through the tough and trying challenges to help him become who he is destined and prophesied to be.

Game Play-
 The young boy goes into different parts of the wilderness and meditates. During meditation, he enters the world of one of the warrior animals (half man- half animals) to defeat and take the powers of the spirit creatures. Game will focus loosely on Native American lore.
 3-person combat with elements of survival horror.  Puzzle bosses.  

Setting/3D animation-
The South West during the Westward expansion.  

(working title)

Game Concept-
The far future is grim.  The galaxy is in ruin form 1000 years of war (unknown enemy).  Humans are now bread for 1 purpose, War.  Soldiers are trained from birth to become the ultimate war machines being well versed in ground, vehicle and aerial combat.

Multi-player, Single player story.  Shooter/strategy.

Main Character-
Elam is a war hardened top of his class soldier who is slowly dying of a wound to his head he sustained during the most horrific battle of the 1000 year war.  He must slowly conquer the planetary systems on the path back to earth to find the only element needed to save his life thallium.    

Game Play-
Fast paced third person strategic shooter where player can do battle on foot  control many
ground vehicles and take to the skies and space in aerial combat to capture strategic points to gain victory. 
Setting/3D animation-
Different planets with different terrains as well as invading enemy strongholds as well as ships.
Epic cinematic with battles in space ground and on foot.